Add the products to the cart, filling in the required data. Book in advance, as long as the equipment is available.
🕒 You can book within 2 or 3 days before collection, depending on the product, but we recommend booking in advance
Stefano Liali
Trained and available staff ready to give you a hand if you are in difficulty with both administrative and technical aspects
Rent and Go Falcade
Micklisch/ Udo
Uncomplicated and competent processing, great. We are looking forward to the next ski holiday.
Sportservice Erwin Stricker Hafling
Georg Böhner
After renting skis for the first time ever, I was completely satisfied with everything.
Rent and Go Schölzhorn Racines
Giulio Testa
Large and well-organized shop, impeccable service, trained and kind staff.
Rent and Go Andalo
Ladislav Dobias
Everything was perfect, given that we arrived 9 min before closing time, due to traffic.
Sport Cermis
Rent and Go is a group of over 80 ski and bike rentals in Italy dedicated to quality, founded in 1996 by 3 protagonists of world skiing in the 70s and 80s: Erwin Stricker, Kurt Ladstätter and Gerhard Königsrainer
Quality equipment, always tested and renewed, dedicated lines for women and children, shops well located in the best locations, personalized advice and many other services, to offer you maximum fun in safety
rentals in the best resorts
satisfied customers every year
skis and snowboards available
bikes and e-bikes available