From 2022 helmet mandatory for under 18s: skiing, snowboarding, telemarking, sledding

From 2022 this legislation will be introduced in Italy, as part of new laws that address safety on the slopes

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The Life Reskiboot project is underway, for an eco-sustainable ski boot

The LIFE Reskiboot project, of which Rent and Go is a partner, aims to create a new construction model for ski boots, counteracting the waste of plastic waste.

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L'anno orribile del noleggio. Abbiamo salvato il salvabile…e forse nemmeno quello

Il duro colpo della "non stagione" dei noleggiatori, degli impiantisti e di tutti coloro che lavorano intorno all' economia della montagna.

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I noleggi sci sono pronti e sicuri!

Tutti i noleggi Rent and Go sono attrezzati per rispettare le normative di sicurezza contro la diffusione del COVID-19. Se si apre, i nostri noleggi sono super-pronti a garantire un divertimento sicuro sulla neve!

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Best of Test in Val Senales

The equipment test has just ended, by the Rent and Go hirers, who have tried for you the latest ski models of the best brands.

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Online booking is open for 2020/21

Online ski rental reservations are open, book and save up to 15%

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Discover our offer for seasonal rental 2020/21

The seasonal rental formula offers you the convenience of a quality rental for the whole season, discover our packages for the year 2020-21

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The best ideas for your 2020 Carnival weekend on the snow, fun and ski rental with Rent and Go

Find out where to celebrate the 2020 Carnival on the snow, the best ski resorts where you can also find the quality of Rent and Go rentals

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Apertura Impianti sciistici 2019/2020

Ecco le date di apertura dei principali impianti sciistici del nord Italia per la stagione 2019/2020!

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Best of Test - Gli sci scientificamente testati

Il programma esclusivo di Rent and Go ed Outdoor Test per testare e recensire in anteprima gli sci delle categorie più comunemente noleggiate

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